Confession: Student teaching has been kicking my butt. I don't know why I decided to take 13 credits of grad work, teach a 7th grade English class, and spend 30+ hours a week in the fine public schools of Brooklyn, but I did. I am legitimately amazed that I did not collapse during midterms last week (which coincided with all grades becoming due as well).
You can now add captions for photos. That's pencilrific. |
I suppose this is what I signed up for as an English Education major. Generally speaking, my time is spent teaching reading, reading about writing, and writing about teaching. I also collect present-tense verbs and gerunds.
Anyway, I'm getting to the point. POINT: I will start blogging again soon. I have resurfaced after hell week and life is slowly returning to normal. Although I remain very busy, I will now have more opportunity to procrastinate without immediate and collosal negative repercussions. Besides, my class deserves a subsitute teacher and a VHS tape every now and then.