Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Misadventures in Education

Thursday, Grad School, 4:11pm
Reading Group Discussion

Student #1: "Well, 'Warriors Don't Cry' is written by Melba Pattillo, who was one of the nine students to integrate Central High School in Little Rock in 1957."
Student #2: "That was when the president had to call in Air Force troops, right?"
Student #1: "Right. So our actual class activity should be informed by segregation."
Student #3: "There were other autobiographies to come out from those students. Did you ever see The Ernest Green Story?
DF: [joining conversation late] "Is that like Ernest Goes To Camp?"
Student #3: ""

[The rest is silence.]


T-1 said...

It was actually the 101st airborne which is the army. Not the air force

DF said...

oh hey, thanks for letting me know how much you like the blog! glad you could stop by!

T-1 said...

No problemo lame-o!