Tuesday, December 28, 2010

#10 on the Top 10 Top 10 Lists of '10

The approach of New Year's Eve caters to two very distinct American values: 1) the promise of erasing (another) unfulfilling year with copious amounts of alcohol, and 2) the ability to relive condensed highlights of the past year in easy-to-manage list format.  The first value needs no elaboration, especially since you're a nursing major.  What's that, you say? You're not a nursing major? Well you're nursing that beer, so let's go already! Take off the skirt and man up, Grandma.

The second point is fascinating because many people today love to reminisce about things that just happened.  Clicking through another best of list from People Magazine or the like (usually titled, "Top 10 Celebrity Rebound Dates" or something) offers many opportunities for what I call the "Oh, yeah, remember that?" crowd.  Of course we remember that.  It was October.  Keep in mind, though, we were the generation who demanded I Love the 00's from VH1, and got it.

In the spirit of our short attention spans, another year-end Top 10 list!

TEN BEST BLOG ENTRIES (blentries?) OF 2010
  1. Dude, That's Nuts
  2. Moving Forward. Rapidly.
  3. Open Notes to the Springtime Revelers in the Park
  4. A Call to the Bullpen
  5. A Very Recentist List of One English Ed Grad Student's Fears
  6. An Open Letter to Cash-Only Bodegas
  7. A Can't-Miss Business Venture for All You Capitalists Out There with Flexible Morals
  8. Adventures in Education, Chapter 17
  9. Adventures in Education, Chapter 19
  10. Adventures in Education, Chapter 20 
Yup, I haven't written anything good since August.  Lists don't lie, you know.  Even this entry is shooting 1 over par. Here's to 2011, only the 24th time I have wished for a better year than the last.  Hey, this is like... 43 words in a row already!  The internerds are getting restless!  Better throw in another picture!

Your mind may be in the gutter, but Candice is thinking about my blog and hoping for the long rumored "Open Notes to People in the Greenwich Village Bar" entry.

Happy New Year to most of you.  For those who need it, here's a handy reference article for hangover cures. Note that the author digs deep for mind-blowing insight like "don't overdrink".  Also, I don't know for certain what a "drinking expert" is, exactly, but I'd be willing to bet that I know many and we party often.  Best of luck to y'all.

1 comment:

lise said...

I laughed so hard at that "in memoriam" picture.