Listen, we need to have a talk. You got off way too easy tonight. I should've handed you your ass on a plate, but instead I looked at you quizzically, dropped off my returnables, and left to buy beer up the street.

I'm so, so sorry that I returned empty bottles at 9:27pm. I was under the understanding that being open til 10 implied that you were working til 10. You certainly managed to express your displeasure (with a side of condescending disappointment!) at our interruption. Pulling away from your newspaper and forced to miss a moment of the Sox game, you made the cardinal sin of expressing out loud one of your "inside thoughts" and told me that now you had to do something with those bottles.
Don't say that out loud, you stupid ass. You think that stuff, sure, but you don't say it. Especially not to a customer.

And so, you stupid, crusty old bastard, you just effed with the wrong mothereffer. You lost my business, which heretofore probably generated a paltry $50 a month. But that's $50 that I'm not giving you. It's not much, but that's probably enough to bring you the Sox games on cable so your "working" hours can pass quickly. You know, when you're not sorting bottles.

Well, suck my longneck, sir. I hope you contract strep throat from my beer bottles.
You should submit this to his boss and get him fired.
this blog sucks!
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