This class was the bane of my existence for the entire semester. As the year wound down, I realized that the final was on the very last day of finals week--literally mere hours before our commencement activities started. It would be the last academic item required of me before receiving a degree. However, the terrible placement of the exam ensured that no fun was to be had leading up to it, and that there would be no down time for finals week if I wanted an A.
This is about when I realized that I didn't need an A.

In fact, my only goal was to finish with a high enough average that my final exam (which would comprise 30% of my grade) would have no bearing on whether I passed or failed. Needing only a D- to satisfy the requirement, I took the low road and aimed for a final meaningless final. As the weeks got closer, I elaborated on my plan. My pipe dream was to show up for the final exam late, ridiculously drunk, and wearing an Alumni t-shirt. I would then proceed to crack open another Keystone Light and use crayons to color on my blue book until it was taken away from me. This would surely secure my status as a legend among the many underclassmen in my course, and I would pass the semester regardless.

Some might take offense to my disregard for my own well-being in this course. After paying exorbitant tuition for four years, how could I simply throw away one more educational opportunity? The answer to that is a simple one, even if we forget that the curriculum had no bearing whatsoever on anything I have done or ever will be doing.

that was really funny--i laughed out loud at the coloring in the blue books part.
Seeing as I joined the rank of Alumni this past May, this was perfect.
And I did the same with my "How Things Work" (biggest lie ever told to mankind) class this past semester. I passed with a C. And it was the greatest moment of my life.
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