More words on Michael Jackson?!? Yes. You've been warned, so if you don't want to read this, don't.

During the massive media overkill that has been Michael Jackson coverage over the past two weeks, I have been amazed to see just how much the oft-maligned entertainer meant to so many people. I would never have expected to see so many millions, all over the world, expressing their grief and openly crying for a man most had never even
seen, never mind met and known. It is both downright bizarre and, in a strange way, quite heartening. The popularity of one man's work, all over the world, almost underlines our common humanity.

Perhaps I'm overstating it. Yet, he definitely had universal appeal like few others before him. Michael Jackson's music shot to the top of the charts all over the planet, almost immediately after his passing. His life and death have been the dominant story on every major news outlet, almost continuously, for the past
twelve days. There are few figures in entertainment history that could have ever garnered that kind of following. MJ's global popularity is rivaled only by The Beatles, Elvis Presley, and perhaps Bob Marley as a dark horse. Think about that. Our generation doesn't even have a defining artist (like a Nirvana, a Madonna, or a Led Zeppelin), never mind an artist who transcends all limits of popularity, time, and location. We'll never have an era-defining moment like when MJ debuted the moonwalk on
Motown 25.
For all those who argue that he was only an entertainer, it is worth remembering that he is the most successful solo artist of all time. For those who argue that he was a bizarre character, it's also worth remembering the massive amounts of charity work he both spearheaded and privately funded. For those who argue that his peak was in the mid-80's, over twenty years ago, it's absolutely worth remembering that a lot of his music is still massively popular today.

Popular, I think, beyond what anyone would have expected. And good, too.
Thriller is still the greatest selling album of all time, by anyone. "Billie Jean" is a rock solid 10/10 on even the curmudgeoniest critic's scale. The song is genius, and every last piece of it was conceived and written by Jackson himself. "Beat It" is the best thing Eddie Van Halen ever did, by far. "Smooth Criminal" is just as popular now as it was then. "The Way You Make Me Feel" livens up any party even twenty years later. "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" and "Wanna Be Startin' Something" are so damn danceworthy that they have probably caused car accidents.

The undeniable transcendence of his music is, for me, the most surprising part. I'm old enough to remember when
Dangerous came out, and his subsequent performance at Super Bowl XXVII. Michael Jackson was a big deal for a lot of people back then. What I wasn't aware of is, after over a decade of basically being a punchline, kids today actually
love his music. The students (in the summertime, we call them "campers") that I work with love it whenever "Billie Jean" or "Beat It" is played over our PA system in the mornings. Just today, someone played "Thriller" and I had a kindergartner tell me that she saw the video with her mom and loved it ("This is Michael Jackson! This is the prom video with the dancing!"). The girls always dance to "I Want You Back" while the boys seem to prefer "Smooth Criminal", though not for dancing. More for just standing around to. Even as they're making jokes or informing me of their knowledge ("he died, you know"), they still really love his music.
And, although it might not be the coolest thing to say... I do too. While the onslaught of Jackson memorial coverage is suffocating (and no, I didn't watch it), you can count me among those who was quietly hoping he'd make a comeback and felt sad at his passing. He might have had some major issues later in life, but the man had talents that most of us can only dream of, he inspired millions of people, and his music is still damn good.
You know, I'm glad to see that you made this post. I know that his death and funeral and all the hooplah really has been overkill in a lot of ways, but what people don't stop to realize is that he deserves it. God, the man won the most Grammys in one night (8, for Thriller). Like you said, the best album of all time. Literally.
MJ was the first American artist I heard and watched when I was adopted. We have video proof of it on my arrival video (broken out only on rare, rare occasions). "Bad" is playing on the TV behind me as I bounce around in my wheely thing. My brother had cabbage patch kid named Michael. My sister's named hers Billie Jean.
People are up in arms over the fact that it's been such a big deal, or highlighting the fact that he was a "molester" (he was acquitted!), all the while ignoring the fact that the man made music HISTORY, in every sense of the word. And the fact that he really was, underneath it all, a man who never had a chance to experience his childhood, who had to live under the tyranny of an abusive and insane father, who was a personality rather than a person from the age of 5.
Long story longer? Awesome post. From one MJ fan to another, thanks for sharing, man.
Thank you for sharing, May. I'm glad that others agree with me. He really does have an impressive body of work and the man was talented to a ridiculous degree. Although the words get thrown around a lot, he really was a consummate musician and entertainer. Thanks for reading.
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