Friday, April 24, 2009

Adventures in Education, Chapter 3

The other day at work, while fetching something fetching to change into after a tragic arts-and-crafts accident, the (curiously all female) afternoon kindergarten class was walking by on their way to the playground and the following exchange went down, verbatim. Zero embellishments.

KG #1: Mister Dan!! Is that your car?
"Mr." Dan: Yeah, this is my car.
KG #2: But it's so small!
"Mr." Dan: Is it?
Miss Teacher: Well girls, Mister Dan doesn't have a wife and kids, so he doesn't need a big car.
KG #1 & 3, unison: That's sooo sad!!

Mister Dan is ready for the weekend, I think. He's going to go shower now because it was vacation week and he smells like pond.

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