All right Mother Nature, I've had it up to here.

You're a filthy, smelly whore. No one likes you. You get around more than a fruitcake at an office party Yankee Swap. Your legs close less often than a 24-hour Walmart. You're easier than a two-letter word scramble. Your bedroom has a drive-thru dollar menu. You suck more than a vaccuum cleaner stuck to the front of an exhaust fan. You're uglier than most protesters at a pro-life rally. Your face looks like you had a threeway with Captain Hook and Edward Scissorhands. You sound worse than Billy Mays eating a chainsaw.
I will not recycle my coffee cup tomorrow. I'll probably leave a light on somewhere. I wish I knew the proper feminine equivilant of douchebag so I could call you one. I don't, so I'm forced to guess.
Up yours, douchebaguette.
this counts as a post? This is terrible! I feel like I just lost a minute of my life reading this crap!
douchebaguette, early front runner for 2009 coined phrase of the year
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