A toast, ladies and gentlemen, to the Bar Room Tough Guy!

Like Superman emerging from the phone booth, this broseph has turned into the Bar Room Tough Guy. No longer feeling constrained by his 5'5", 147lb frame, BRTG suddenly takes over the room. Usually with an army of his newfound bros at his side, the ones he met in line, BRTG pounds his tropical drink and hits the dance floor. He knows he can totally bag any hottie out there.
With the babes already his for the taking (he is wearing AXE, after all), he proceeds to order more fruity liquid courage from the blonde hostess who totally wants him. He leans in to whisper something real classy like, "I'll give you the tip at my place later", but the blasting club music drowns out his romantic proposal and, like two ships passing in the night, the star-crossed almost-pair go their seperate ways. Whatever, man, she was a skank.
Notorious B.I.G. comes on the sound system and makes all right with the world again. Our young hero identifies with Biggie Smalls' tale of growing up as a poor black man in the inner city. He feels the bass and busts an appropriately awesome hip gyration that causes several ladies to walk away, knowing that they are overmatched.

Unaware of the pink stains running down the front of his half-unbuttoned striped shirt, he decides it's time to hit the mens room. Whereas most would wait in line, our John Wayne Jr VIPs himself past the queue to the door, throwing it open and tossing the surprised occupant out of the way. Dude's probably a loser anyway; he can move. As he turns to issue a menacing threat, Bar Room Tough Guy fumbles with his zipper, trying to locate the very body part he is compensating for.
wait wait. this sounds like you.
or me.
This is fucking awesome. This is art. This is Arrested Development level funny. This made me love McFadden's 10% less. My stomach hurts from laughing.
Tryst is spelled wrong.
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